Ask Me Anything

with Huberman Lab Premium

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Is it possible to use recreational drugs without causing long term health problems?

I like to party and go to nightclubs with friends. Recreational drugs (such as ketamine, MDMA, cocaine and alcohol) are rife in these environments. I dabbled when I was younger but have made a conscious effort to abstain as much as possible. The truth is I and many other people enjoy the effects of these substances. Is it possible to take them in a way that is "safe", or causes as little harm as possible, and if so - how?

TRT for a 23 year old with average Testosterone

I’m a 23 year old who exercises 5 days a week, gets 8-9 hours of sleep everyday. I eat home cooked food (a lot of meat), I don’t smoke and I don’t drink. I got my testosterone tester many times and it’s consistent at 450-550. While I know it is considered “average”, and I don’t suffer from low T symptoms, I’m thinking why not use TRT to increase my levels to around 900-1000 and benefit from the increase if I have the ability to? I would like to get your thoughts on the risks associated and if I would regret this decision. Also, what do you think about getting access to TRT over-the-counter since in Canada it’s difficult to get TRT prescribed by a doctor, especially with average T levels. Thank you for everything Dr Huberman, your voice has helped many including myself improve our lives.

Cold exposure pre workout

Swa social media post stating ice bad followed by workout had tremendous positive effects on hormon health such as sustained increasing levels of testosterone. Would be great to hear your thoughts about potential benefts/risks of such a protocol

An episode on menstruation?

Hi Andrew! I was wondering if we could have an episode devoted to menstruation? I know in some previous episodes, you have briefly discussed topics related to menstruation, such as hormones, PMS, and menopause; yet I still hope to know more details about menstruation, including cramps and how to deal with it, the use of medicine such as Ibuprofen for cramps, how to adjust fatigue, diet and mood swings before and during menstruation, etc. As a female PhD student in humanities, I have been suffering from menstrual cramps and understand how hard it is to achieve satisfactory academic performance when menstruation comes; and I also realize that it can be even more difficult for women working in other fields that require more physical involvement and input. I've noticed that some other subscribers mentioned menopause in their questions, and perhaps an episode on these issues related to the female reproductive system (including HPV and cancer) would be beneficial to a lot of women listeners, as well as to men and other groups, ultimately. Thank you in advance!

Creatine and Aging

What is you view of the use of creatine in aging minds and bodies? Is there a dosage at which it becomes more effective? Is it unhealthy for young people, if so at what age?