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Lack of sleep in adolescence/puberty

First of all, thank you for a wonderful and expansive podcast. Next, here is my question(a) that I hope you will answer: You (and other scientists, including many of your guests) have highlighted sleep as critical for health and development. Also, sleep has especially been highlighted as important for the developing brain. My question then is what consequences, physical as well as mental, a lack of sleep have on a person, both in the short-, medium and long-term? With puberty in particular being a sensitive window in a brief period of time, what will the consequences of poor sleep, if not even sleep deprivation for an extended period of time (i.e. poor sleep for several years) during adolescence be for the adult human in the adult years following? And is it possible to mitigate/compensate completely and/or at least partly for these consequences? Or will they have lasting detrimental effects throughout the life span? Kind regards, Anders from Denmark

Neuron growth spurt.

When do the growth spurts of neurons happen? When do they end? What can we do to make the most of them?

Eye direction and memory/brain

Does the direction one looks at has any effect on the areas of brain (for example the myth says that looking up helps to learn new information as though looking down reminds memories with emotional load)?

Rest days when learning a motor skill (musical instrument)

When arguing about whether rest days are useful when learning guitar, people often mentioned that getting at least one break day can be beneficial to learn better when coming back, instead of practicing every single day. Is there any data to back this up or is it just the mere effect of getting more nights sleep between the learning sessions? or is it something else? i don't remember anything on this subject being mentioned on the plasticity and physical performance episodes. thank you.

Exercise amount per day

I know that it was said that it might be detrimental for physical performance to exceed 60 or 70 minutes of hypertrophy training. But what about multiple 60 minute workouts throughout the day?