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Jumping and neurotransmitters

Does jumping increases serotonin?

Maximizing Work Efficiency and Learning with ChatGPT

Hi there! I'm a dedicated listener of your neuroscience podcast and have always been fascinated by the intersection of technology and brain science. Do you utilize AI tools like ChatGPT to enhance your everyday work and workload management? Could you share some insights into how integrating AI, if you do, has influenced your approach to tackling complex (neuroscientific) problems? Furthermore, as AI becomes an increasingly integral part of our lives, I'm curious to know your perspective on whether using AI tools has affected your own learning process. Has it opened up new avenues for exploring innovative ideas, or do you find there are any potential challenges in striking the right balance between AI-assisted insights and traditional learning methods in the field of neuroscience?

Low cholesterol and health risks, personality changes

Hello! Any opinions (or future podcast) about changes like increased aggression, irritability, depression, and even suicidal ideation caused by statins medications or low cholesterol levels? Everyone is so concerned with hyperlipidemia but when researching there is not even a lower number for the ideal cholesterol ranges. They only refer to optimal numbers being less than X. Would 10 be ideal? would 1 be ideal? would zero be ideal? I would love to hear your thoughts. "LDL cholesterol is known as the "bad cholesterol" because when too much of the substance circulates in the blood, it can build up and clog arteries, increasing the risk of heart attack or stroke. LDL levels of less than 130 mg/dl are considered optimal, while levels greater than that are considered high." (Standford Medicine News Center) "There is no consensus on how to define very low LDL cholesterol, but LDL would be considered very low if it is less than 40 milligrams per deciliter of blood." (Mayo Clinic) I came across this when researching possible causes of personality changes and increase in aggressivity of a family member, not sure how to rate if it is a quality study, but it certainly explained a lot for my personal situation.,than%20that%20are%20considered%20high.,Hemorrhagic%20stroke

Exercise in pregnancy

Hi Dr Huberman. My question would be related to the safety of sports during pregnancy. Could you prepare an episode on that? Is it safe to run and workout?

Alternative protocols for gradual fear exposure?

Fear extinction usually happens when individuals repeatedly and gradually expose themselves to fear-inducing situations within a secure environment over a period of time. However, for some fears, gradual fear exposure in a controlled environment is not always viable. For scenarios when one must jump straight into the deep end (without a controlled environment), are there similar variations or other alternatives to gradual exposure therapy?