Ask Me Anything

with Huberman Lab Premium

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Heart metrics

Could you address the various ways to evaluate heart health like heart rate variability, VO2 max, sleeping heart rate dip, etc, how important they are (or aren't) and how to improve them?

Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating)

It would be great to learn more about the causes of hyperhidrosis and any behavior, nutritional, or supplemental protocols you would recommend to potentially reduce the symptoms (sweating)

Cannabis Effect On Sleep

Andrew, in your recent episode on THC you noted that you would discuss the effects THC/CBD has on sleep but never covered it. Could you include that in your AMA? In particular, I would like to know whether it positively or negatively impacts HRV, deep slow wave sleep and REM sleep. I'm aware of one study at least that shows it increases HRV, but I'd like to know if you could dive a bit deeper on this topic for an AMA, or full episode. Thanks!

Sleep Deficit Benefits?

There is this phenomenon where I wakeup in the middle of the night or early in the morning after maybe 4 - 6 hours of sleep feeling unusually energized, refreshed, creative, alert, calm, confident and clear headed (higher functioning cognition and working memory) despite a deficit in sleep (I average 9 hours). This event most often occurs after an evening of ingesting alcohol. If I go back to sleep (which I usually can't) I lose this state but if I stay up it persists throughout the day. What would be the method of action for this and how could I tap into that state more often without the assistance of alcohol? Could it be I'm waking up at the perfect time in my sleep cycle or that I just need less? I've tried cold showers but they seem to induce anxiety.

Ayahausca, San Pedro, Peyote

Hello, we would be glad if you informed us, not spiritual but from a purely scientific perspective, about the ancient "plant medicines" that I wrote in the title. Also; I've sent you 2 emails about my Turkish podcast project in Turkey. Please just give me a blessing whenever you're available, thank you. Alican