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NSDR at night - practicality

You recommend NSDR when you wake during the night and can't get back to sleep, but you also advise against exposing your eyes to light during the night. How do you go about initiating an NSDR script (e.g. on youtube or spotify), without viewing the light of the phone screen?

Best Practice for Maintaining Sleep Patterns

Hey Andrew, While maintaining the perfect sleep schedule is optimal, its inevitable that I have a late night where I end up needing to stay awake longer than I'd like. This can often throw off my sleeping pattern a bit. Considering the importance of quality sleep, what do you consider to be the best strategy for getting back into this pattern? Is it better for me to wake up at my usual time (with a few less hours of sleep) and fight through that day perhaps a bit more tired than usual? Or would maintaining the amount of time slept and waking up later than usual be better? I find that this is a trade off on whether I want to feel dreadfully tired for a day, or if I want to throw off my sleep pattern. What is your protocol for situations like this?

Help with chronic constipation

Hi Andrew, Thanks for your awesome podcast! I have learned a lot and enjoyed listening to them. Please cover the topic of constipation. I eat a very healthy plant-based diet, exercise, drink plenty of water, etc., but still have trouble with slow colonic transit time. Thanks so much!

Food; what the heck should we eat?

LOVE you podcasts! They've improved so many areas of my life! SO....meat? No meat? LiverKing diet or vegan? What is best for longevity, muscle, "anti-cancer", brain??? It has all become so confusing and is there ANY actual science behind any of it? What the heck IS the perfect diet? THANKS!!

EMF and Headphones

Are blue tooth headphone safe to use? Does the EMR penetrate the skull and cause cancer or benign tumors? I sleep in a faraday cage (cloth lined with silver) is this necessary? Could I be trapping EMF in my cage instead of keeping it out?