1. You've done a lot of content on exercise and physical health; and a lot of content on mental health. But what I don't think you've done is addressed optimal exercise protocols for *mental* health. There is a body of research on exercise and mental health, which apparently suggests that exercise is one of the most potent mental-health interventions. So what do we think would be the optimal exercise protocol for treatment of depression and/or mental health generally (rather than endurance/strength/hypertrophy/etc.)? (This would be for people who have the fitness and the discipline/motivation to comply, of course.) 2. Since many treadmills have heart-rate control programs that automatically vary incline and/or speed to achieve a target heart-rate, I find that this can be the best way to precisely target exercise protocols. What would you suggest for an ideal target heart-rate protocol for depression and/or mental health? (For example, you could say, "30 minute workout: 80% of HR max for the first 14 minutes, then 85% for 12 minutes, then 90% for the final 4 minutes." If possible, please specify the formula you're using to calculate the target heart rate (e.g., Karvonen, %*(220-age), etc.).)
Looking for a way to relieve tension headaches I heard and read about biofeedback to understand early warning signs and learn methods of blood flow control and muscle relaxation. What is your take on this and how does it tie in with what you shared on the Stop Headache episode with blood flow and meningis? Is this is viable approach in your opinion and how much of it can you do on your own (we live in Bali, Indonesia with limited resources in the medical field).
Intent + Neuroplasticity = hypophantasic, tied to specific memories during increased elasticity. What's possible? Photographic? Eidetic? Cease ruminations? Emotion selection? Tinnitus due to trauma? Perceptual focus buckets (20 monk bells): one inductive/one deductive? Childhood trauma. I self-correct psychologically; gave myself the ability for self-love. Faced my shadow, gained "some" "IQ points". What functions differently in a metacognitive's brain? What happened to me at a chemical/wiring level (unrelated to the math)? Love the morning routine; thank you (all) for transforming my life.