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Change unconscious habits

Hi Dr. Huberman, I wonder if science can shed light on changing habits that we do unconsciously. I'm thinking about changing my sleeping posture. I'm used to sleeping with rounded and raised shoulders, and when I wake up and throughout the day, I experience shoulder pain. I've tried changing my posture in bed, but I can't seem to fall asleep. When I'm about to fall asleep, I feel the urge to change my posture and adopt the position I want to change, but it's something I do almost unconsciously.

Transcripts and voice-language change

Dear Mr. Huberman, I like your podcasts, but sometimes I find it difficult to understand in English (I am working on it! =) ) Would you be opened to Transcript all podcasts using AI and then use voice AI to make voice again in other languages? Or maybe there is a way how to do it straight away Voice - > Voice. Thank you. Best regards, Filip

Happy Birthday!!!!

Happy Birthday Dr. Andrew Huberman. Hope you enjoy your day today. Very thankful for all that you do in mental health and neurosciemce

Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome after brain injury

My daughter was diagnosed with cyclic vomiting syndrome at 22 years old after months of testing to rule out other conditions. The CVS was sudden onset after a TBI due to a car accident at 20 years old. The episodes are almost always triggered by stress or excitement or high intensity exercise. Are there any data to suggest that things such as the physiological sigh or cold plunge therapy or related treatments have the potential for any improvement in a condition such as this?

PRP micro needling and tattoo’s

I was listening to Dr Attila’s podcast about skin health and they talked about micro needling prp with a “pen”. The description sounds a lot like what happens when getting a tattoo. With the skin health promoting effects of micro needling prp, have there been any studies on the effects of using prp during the tattooing process to speed healing?