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Does high salt intake affect probiotic foods ingested for gut health?

Might the high salt amount in certain electrolyte drinks kill off the probiotics in fermented foods before they can even get into the gut? Specifically wondering if I should space these things and if so by how much. Secondary question would be whether the amount of salt in general -- even if not taken together with the fermented food - might be harming gut health. Specifically talking about for healthy people using electrolytes because they actually sweat a lot, and eating fermented foods for gut health reasons -- not talking about probiotics taken post antibiotic use, or people with high blood pressure etc.

Have you ever tried Beat Saber? Would be an excellent way to study time slicing.

Adjusting your note jump duration while playing Beat Saber (using Quest headset) provides the best example I've ever had of time slicing and the the massive difference that changing your focus distance can have. It might take you a month or two to get to where you can play at a very high level, but once you can, the time effect is AMAZING. Changing your jump distance suddenly makes the notes appear to be going in slow motion even though the speed is the same, and vice versa. Plus it give you an excuse to get a VR headset as a work expense. Also a great way to achieve a flow state.

Which are the most updated treatment to mitigate the effects of a DUPUYTREN`S CONTRACTURE desease?

One of my cousin brothers has been suffreing for the past 20 years of a disease that was diagnosed as being Dupuytren`sContracture. It started sudenly when he has undergone an appendicitis surgery. When leaving the surgical room he had a lump and a bending finger is his left hand, Before his hand was absolutely normal. Along these years the contracture progressed, he had a surgery , but with no great improvements, and now he is trying a therapy with shock waves and big stretches, which seems to be providing some help. After a while the contractures had span to the right hand. Is there any new treatment known to this desease?


There is plenty of information about the side effect of overnourishment and obesity. But it is very rare to find information about the negative effects on body and mind of a state in which the body is starved and/or lack of fat tissue. I think this might be interesting as far as all major longevity experts underline the problem of eating to much. This might lead to the other side of the balance. So the question: when is eating too little/being underfed damaging <<healthspan>> and by which meachanisms does it do so?

Which is the most recent kown treatment to contain, or reverse, the deleterial progress of a (MSA) Multiple Systema Atrophy desease.

One of my friends and former university coleague, now aging around 78, has been suffering of a deasase diagnosed as (MSA) Multiple System Atrophy, which is now keeping him without any movements, not even allowing him to speak. However his mind is still quite alive and he understands everything.I recently visited him in the nursing home were his is now, and had the cahnce of interacting with him, talk and remember our time at the university, and I could see some smilles slightly showing up in his face. I decided to ask this question to see if there could be any new information available in order to help him.