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Are nightshades toxic?

Are tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, etc. worth avoiding? What about vegetables in general that contain lectins and other compounds that may be harmful for health?

Is fruit/vegetable juicing an efficient way to get nutrients?

Or is it similar to sugar and carbs, where it leads to a rapid rise in blood sugar and a subsequent crash?

Protocols for night owls

What are some things that are night owl specific protocols for helping to improve sleep? Would things such as using colored lights to simulate late afternoon light help?

Episode on Type 2 Diabetes

With your great choice on topics I was hoping you would have an episode, or multiple on type 2 diabetes. With how many people it impacts, and the vast amounts of information about its causes, and treatments I would think there is a huge value in having it as a topic in the future. Thanks for all the wonderful information and protocols thus far!

Significance of Reduced REM sleep latency

I was recently found through a sleep study to have reduced sleep latency and reduced REM sleep latency. The study was initiated because I felt that, despite getting "enough" hours of sleep, I was somehow not getting sufficient deep, restorative sleep. I was also aware of waking frequently from dreams that seemed to be occurring more often than anticipated (so I suspected more time in REM sleep than normal). Could you please discuss the significance of reduced REM sleep latency and how to address it? Of note, I was on the OCP at the time of the study (now off), which I understand can contribute to reduced REM sleep latency.