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12-step programs as a no-cost tool to improve mental health

AA and other 12-step programs (OA, Al-Anon, ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics), CoDA, SAA, and so forth) are powerful, no-cost solutions for helping people introspection and growth. I’d love to hear you do an AMA on 12-step programs because they are readily available no-cost tools that can provide a space and structure for introspection, help people understand why they behave the way they do (and realize they’re not alone in behaving that way), take ownership over their character defects (people struggle with that terminology - just means maladaptive behaviors that no longer serve you), and make meaningful changes in their lives. Personally, I’ve been sober for 6 years. AA and working the steps have changed my life and given me a freedom and agency that I didn’t know was possible. It also led me to another life-changing 12-step program to deal with childhood trauma, Adult Children of Alcoholics. Many people start in one program and join another to address other areas in their lives they want to heal. Even with a younger sister in the program since our 20s (we’re in our 40s now) I had so many misperceptions about what the program entailed and what my options were for how to get sober. And I had no idea that trauma was at the root of my addiction and many of my behaviors. I needed to stop drinking for that to become clear.

Oura Ring

Should people use something like an Oura ring? Is tracking those things and having/collecting that data very useful and important?


I would love to learn strategies and tools for dealing with grief. An episode with a guest psychologist that specialises in grief would be amazing.

Contrast therapy

Is there any benefit in doing contrast therapy over and above doing heat and cold exposure separately?

Quantum Energy Products

I learned about quantum energy products e.g. from companies like in other podcasts. I'm very skeptical about these products, however they claim that they have the scientific studies to back up their marketing claims (protect from EMF and increase energy). In the research section I learned that they used "dark field microscopy" which seems to be a controversial method. What is your take on the subject and how do you rate the studies. Best from Switzerland Oliver