What is your approach to intermittent random rewards, for example the coin flip example you provided for more goals per week? Why is it best to do the rewarding process one time weekly for one goal or multiple times during the week or maybe multiple times weekly for each goal?
Say I want to establish a habit of going to the gym right after waking up every day. Is it worth taking stimulants (such as preworkout) in order to reinforce that behavior, say every day for the first 30 days?
You have spoken to great length about avoiding cold exposure after exercise to harvest the adaptation benefits. I fail to remember if you have spoken about how these exercise adaptions are amplified/damped in context to the combination of cold exposure AND sauna. From what you've said about sauna alone, I would always assume that going to sauna after exercise can only speed up the recovery (not sure if it amplifies the degree of physical/neural adaptation) PS: I am not sure if you truly appreciate how much good you do in this world for mental health