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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Strength Training tips for those with JHS/HSD plus a congenitally narrow cervical spinal canal plus mild disc bulges?

Strength Training is critical, per your episode with Dr. Peter Attia. For patients with neurologist diagnosed Joint Hyper-mobility Syndrome (Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder), plus a congenitally narrow spinal canal, plus a mild C5, C6, C7 disc bulge, how can one optimize strength training? Individually those three conditions don't seem debilitating. But in has to be very careful. I get told to lower weights and increase reps. Fair. But I'm used to always lifting to failure, and am scared that doing so with these conditions will re-aggravate a recurring pinched cervical nerve. Hoping the disc bulge fixes itself over time. So....overall, what are your Tips & Tricks to best do strength training while preserving the cervical spine to avoid both future surgery and reliance on pain killer drugs in the long-term? Physical Therapy seems to be less useful for cervical spine than lumbar spine. And sufficient exertion in strength training ends up straining all muscles. My research today shows isometric exercises, and adherence to proper form while still gradually increasing weights can still provide all the possible benefits of longevity. Any supplement advice in addition to exercise tips would be helpful. thanks

Find a hormone doctor to track my health progress with supplements like Tonga Ali, etc?

How do I find a urologist or another doctor locally who can help me track the effect of supplements on my hormones and health? When I search for male hormone doctor, I get a bunch of doctors or businesses that want to sell me hormone replacement and I only want hormone optimization.

HGH Secretion

My primary inquiry revolves around the potential for the body to exhaust its capacity to secrete HGH. It has come to my attention that vibration plates, as well as Kaatsu or blood flow occlusion exercises, are purported to trigger a significant increase in HGH secretion. I've incorporated both of these methods into my exercise routine. Additionally, I possess an infrared sauna at home, but I've encountered limited information regarding the relationship between infrared saunas and the time/temperature required for HGH secretion. I'm aware of your podcast discussing a protocol involving a two-hour session at a temperature of at least 186 degrees Fahrenheit. Unfortunately, my sauna, despite having a Full Spectrum addon, cannot reach such high temperatures, although it does get quite hot. Could you point me towards any literature or insights regarding infrared saunas and HGH secretion? Lastly, I'm curious about potential adverse effects on my body from pushing it too hard to stimulate HGH production using the vibration plate and Kaatsu techniques.

Fiber - a pithy subject

all about "requirements", optimal intake (determining?), different forms and usage.

Solar Gazing.

I am a Yogi with an advanced practice for 46 yrs. One of the practices we did for awhile was Solar Gazing. There was info online for this practice. The windows for gazing were sunrise to one hour after sunrise and then one hour before sunset to sunset. We started gazing at 30 second increments. Adding 30 seconds after a day or two. I stopped at 15 minutes of gazing at a time. Living in the Northeast we only had 2-3 sunsets per week. The info we had was that the retina absorbed the energy of the sun and this stimulated the pineal gland. I did this for two yrs. I loved the practice and felt energy. Do you have an opinion of this practice?