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Dopamine and sexual behaviour

How is sexually promiscuous behaviour related to dopamine circuits in the brain? Does it mean that a person who is often looking for new partners is just trying to just get another dopamine hit from the excitement of first time encounters with someone?

Best exercises for dopamine

Are there specific exercises/workout protocols that boost dopamine more than others?

How would you go from depressed to a driven individual?

Let's say that you were with your current knowledge, to switch bodies with a teenager who spends 2+h/day on TikTok. 2h/day on video games. You have depression and no motivation to achieve your goals, but you have goals and you want to achieve your goals. What's your plan and action steps to getting your life together and start achieving your goals?

Is taking nicotine 2-3 times a week ok in terms of good feelings of well being?

I am curious. With ashwaganda it is usually recommended to not take it on weekends or take it 3 weeks but not take it for an entire week. Does a protocol like that apply for nicotine? If I was a former smoker and take nicotine gum and want to continue taking that -- would taking 2-3 days and then the reson of the week 4-5 days be ok? Or will I suffer "pain" like withdrawal symptoms? i.e. if I take any nicotine at all will I have to always take it to avoid withdrawal symptoms? If mechanism are explain that would super interesting! perhaps explaining why ashwaganda in the first place requires that protocol -- it would be fascinating to me. Is it due to the half life of ashwaganda is in terms of days and not hours like caffeine?

ADHD memory & focus

Are there behaviors or practices that will shift the mechanisms of working memory for individuals who experience ADHD? Also have there been any studies linking improvements in memory and or focus with the use of psilocybin?