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Does metabolism affect life length

I have heard that people with fast metabolisms have a shorter lifespan, and vice versa (excluding confounding factors like heart disease, obesity, etc with slow metabolisms). Is there truth to this? As someone with an extremely fast metabolism still going in my late 20's, are there methods to slow metabolism while still maintaining a high intensity exercise lifestyle for the sake of extending life?

CGM - optimal levels

I am a huge fan of CGM and wear it as often as possible. I am a reasonably healthy female working out every day (resistance Trainig, kickboxing), avoiding sugar and other forms of carbohydrates other that veggies, fruits and legumes. However my CGM data levels won't get lower that 100mg/dl (even at night). It rarely gets above 180mg/dl. I have researched that optimal levels are between 70-85mg/dl in fasting state, I never get there. Could you possibly discuss different phenotypes and CGM outcomes? I am wondering how stable elevated glucose can influence insulin levels, cardiovascular disease and possible metabolic syndrome. Thank you!


Can we bring Dr. Sinclair back for an update and perhaps respond to Dr. Attia’s recent podcast on aging.

ex breast c....r

Hello. Thnak you for your videos. You said " in females ,as a consequence of smoking marihuana and increase of prolactine and estrogen in paralel,is not clear if it is detrimantal or no,but I want to point out that increase estrogen and prolactive can be asociate,again CAN BE associate not necessary and certainly not causing but can be associate with elevate levels or breast cancer detection . I did the c....r operation 2 weeks ago and now listening to this my mind is playing the game that somehow by wapeing with volcano hybrid marihuana had an influencing of being diagnosed with c...r July .I starting using marihuana because I wanted to laugh and It made me feel good when I was listening to the recording of me laughing. I had depression and anxiety and marihuana really help me with this.But now, my mind is playing this game in my mind. Can you give me some advice ? I already finish psychology university and I like that you are giving us pier review studies. Kind regards, Melinda K.

Program/degree that marries psychology and neuroscience

Hi Dr. Huberman, Thank you so very much for sharing your knowledge, insight and brilliance. I study your podcast like it's coursework for a degree in neuroscience. I'm reading Principles Of Neural Science right now and the point is made in that text that is something I have been searching for - the marriage of psychology and neuroscience for human performance - not just in the physical domain (athletes, for example) but in the cognitive domain as well. In my ideal world you and Dr. Alia Crum would create a new branch of science that would marry these two disciplines. But in the meantime, I'm wondering if you could suggest a program/degree of study that would provide both aspects - the belief effect and biology for optimizing life performance. I've searched and have not yet found something that combines both of these areas of study into one. The closest I can find is a degree option in cognitive science. I have a MS in Mathematics, 3 life coaching certs, yoga instruction cert, Personal Trainer cert. But I am really searching to take the work that I do with clients currently (improve productivity and cognitive performance) and make a bigger impact by developing more expertise in these 2 disciplines - psychology and neuroscience. If you were my mentor (which you are even though you don't know it), what guidance or advice would you provide me in enrolling in a program or pursuit of additional degrees/programs of study? I apologize if this question is outside the scope of the purpose of AMA but I trust you implicitly and if you would be willing to take a few minutes to provide an answer, I would be so grateful. Thank you so much! Neill