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Trauma Journaling more details?

Heard this podcast 2 days before a traumatic event it is perfect for, so thank you! Do the time intervals need to be the same or can the intervals vary as long as there are 4? One day, then skip a day do the 2nd Journaling, then a couple of days for example. Similar time? Place? Also, do I need to re-do for each major trauma (at my age this could span a fair amount of time), or does once do it for all traumas? Also, didn't see comments option on the YouTube? Thanks for all you do!

insulin resistance, anxiety and butyrate

Dear Huberman, According to gut microbiome testing, doctor said that I have very low levels of butyrate in my microbiome while almost everything else is good. He said that this low level of butyrate is usually causing insulin resistance. So, after testing I realised that I actually have insulin resistance, even if genetically I don't have predisposition for that, I eat very healthy diet full of fiber, exercise regularly and I am 26 year old. So, do You know something more about butyrate in microbiome? There is some butyrate supplement, but I am not sure if it is advisable to take. I don't know if it can mess up further production of butyrate in my microbiome. Also, I recognised higher anxiety while feeling low blood sugar level. Is it that insulin resistance cause anxiety? Thanks you very much Best regards

A Podcast about pregnancy ?

Hey there, I wanted to know if a podcast about pregancy and how to optimize this period is in the works ? Indeed, during my pregnancy, I was looking for informations to help during this particular period of one's life, with no success... There is so many different advices and opinions on what to do, what we can take, etc during pregnancy that I felt really lost and frustrated... Even having a morning or evening routine is complicated as there is different things that we can't do. The changes in the body, the effects of the hormones on the mind and body, how to optimize and help during this period, how to stay productive... that would be great if it was covered in one or different podcasts.

Colon health

Is there a way to reduce the growth of colon polyps prospectively? Had colonoscopy, found a lot of polyps(non cancerous). Wondering what interventions (lifestyle, supplement, diet, etc) could have an impact here. Thank you.

Link between caffeine and blood sugar.

Hi Dr. Huberman, I'm really curious about the link between caffeine intake and blood sugar levels. I'm not sure why, but whenever I have too much caffeine (more than my regular cup of black tea in the morning), my blood sugar goes way out of whack and I end up getting the symptoms of hypoglycaemia in the late afternoon and then early in the morning (around 4 or 5am). This seems especially true if I have a coffee instead of a black tea. I've tried to conduct my own research on this but haven't found much on the internet. Would you mind elucidating this for me please? Love your podcast, thanks very much for what you do! Thomas C