Hi Andrew! Are there any studies that show evidence that by changing the brain, one can directly influence change in physical characteristics in the body? (specifically can you direct change in physical characteristics through regular meditation/hypnosis). Thank you
What do you appreciate most about each of your late advisors, and what were the most important things you learned from them? What advice/guidance might they each give you today, if they could? (I realize that these might be too personal for AMA, please forgive me if that's that case!) Thank you for absolutely everything :) ~RG
How do you personally distinguish between the "brain" and the "mind"? I often find myself slightly surprised when you say "brain" (when I might have used the term "mind") but am so curious about how you define the differences (if any) between these two terms, which are often used interchangeably. Thank you! ~RG
If you found out you had 1-5 remaining years to live, what would you change or keep doing? How would you approach "structuring" your remaining time, or perhaps completely un-structure it all? (For the purpose of this scenario, let's assume you would have the privilege of normal physical functioning and appearance until the last few % of days-weeks) As someone who contemplates mortality daily as a practice and does her best to prioritize/live accordingly, I'm really curious about how others navigate this kind of contemplation. Your interests in time perception, living on purpose and in service, as well as stories you've shared about sudden loss of people very close to you, lead me to believe it's something you also hold dear. Thank you ~RG