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Maximum duration of a learning bout?

I teach a graduate seminar on Professional Musician Wellbeing for performing musician graduate students at McGill University in Montreal. Deliberate practice is one important topic. I can't find a study that proves the longest duration one can truly concentrate in one practice session (learning bout) although I have seen "45 minutes" and read related recommendations such as taking 10-second breaks every few minutes (from you almost one year ago), or recommendations for the maximum number of hours one can do deliberate practice / learning per day (4 hours). Is there a source for conclusive evidence, or is the reliable information more about the neuroscience of learning, brain chemistry, sleep, etc that promotes neuroplasticity? And each musician can follow those guidelines and figure out the durations of each practice session for themselves, and how many hours total they can practice per day?


Do you think you might do a podcast on the latest neuroscience around migraines and migraine prevention? Thanks!

Ingredients in Sunscreen crossing the brain blood–brain barrier (BBB)

Hi Dr Huberman, first of all, thanks for all for your work. I've applied sereveral of your advices and my life is way better. Q: In your podcast with Dr Ronda Patrick you questioned that the sustabces you see in many sunscreens can cross the BBB which is dangerous. After that she said she uses mineral sunscreens which I think are considered to be the best ones. Can you please elaborate more on that topic?

How to offset some of the side effects of ADHD stimulants like Aderall

Hi Dr Huberman, thanks for all your awesome work You mention that to offset the increased TMAO caused by Alpha GPC it was good to take 600mg garlic capsule. In there any similar advice to somehow offset the some of th side effect of ADHD stimulants like Aderall


Many people view muscle tightness from a localized view, besides the muscle(s) that is displaying the symptom of tightness; is the more vital aspect of one’s biology perhaps the greater and more common drivers of the tightness? Other biological drivers such as the Microbiome, Viscera, CNS, ANS, Interception, and Circadian System; and then the psychological side of things such as belief, Poly Vagal Theory, ACEs, Trauma and etc. I feel there’s so much more to the puzzle of tightness than just the muscles alone, we’re an emergent floating super-organism story telling meaning making system, so therefore there must be more to addressing muscle tightness beyond that of something like balancing the spokes of a bicycle wheel.