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Many people view muscle tightness from a localized view, besides the muscle(s) that is displaying the symptom of tightness; is the more vital aspect of one’s biology perhaps the greater and more common drivers of the tightness? Other biological drivers such as the Microbiome, Viscera, CNS, ANS, Interception, and Circadian System; and then the psychological side of things such as belief, Poly Vagal Theory, ACEs, Trauma and etc. I feel there’s so much more to the puzzle of tightness than just the muscles alone, we’re an emergent floating super-organism story telling meaning making system, so therefore there must be more to addressing muscle tightness beyond that of something like balancing the spokes of a bicycle wheel.

Human Specific: Beyond the S.A.I.D. Principle

S.A.I.D. = (Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands), is very popular in modern day exercise/fitness/sports training worlds. What if we wind the clock back to a time that the history of our Species has spent the majority of its time as Nomadic Hunter Gatherers; what specifics or E.E.A. (Environmental, Evolutionary, Adaptedness) Exercise, Stress Management, Sleep/Recovery, Nutrition recommendations would you feel would best to bring into the present day to help us be the best in terms of our Locomotion (Bipedalism/Brachiation our Specie’s movement trademark), Resilience and Longevity?

Chronic Pain

What are some of the other variables beyond skeletal muscles when in comes to chronic “muscle” pain, what other systems can a person address and self regulate? 80% of people have or will have an episode of low back pain for inst. Why is there about 1 out of 3 people in the U.S. in chronic pain, what is it in our environment, our culture/social environment, food, and habits that our contributing to our chronic pain, and what is the low hanging fruit we can navigate and leverage to better many peoples’ chronic pain states?

Oxygen increase and hyperbaric...

As a regular scuba diver - am I receiving similar benefits to hyperbaric chamber treatments, increased oxygen percentage breathing and exposing the body to varying pressures? I know many of these treatments are being sought after by fellow health oriented fans, but I wonder how much benefit is received as a regular diver without needing to seek specialized services that others may be

The U.S. Culture of War

What are the Biological, Psychological, Sociological states that is behind the U.S. being and empire? United States Military Bases Worldwide: There are roughly 750 US foreign military bases; they are spread across 80 nations! After the U.S is the UK, but they only have 145 bases. Russia has about 3 dozen bases, and China just five. This implies that the U.S has three times as many bases as all other countries combined. When did this National/Internal Policy Mindset begin? Perhaps with the dropping of the two Atomic Bombs on Japan during WW2? Are we a Nation drunk from our own Hubris? How can the everyday person help us from destroying ourselves and the Bio-Sphere, beyond just hoping, praying, and voting for the next prophet to save us from our Nation’s Federal Capitol?