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Interview suggestion/guest request

Hi Andrew, love your work. Can you please interview Joe Dispenza? He is also a world renowned scientist with many bestselling books. He has also been a guest on Rick Rubin's podcast and many people really enjoy his insight. I would be interested to see a collaboration between you two, as would many other people. Please make it happen!! thank you

Science of time management

Dear Andrew, Somehow my perception of how much time it takes to complete a task to the standard I want to complete it is always flawed. I always underestimate how much time it will take (by quite a bit). Is there a scientific reason for this? Are there any protocols that could be used to address this? Love your work!

Spatial awareness & sense of orientation

Dear Prof. Huberman, all my life I have had a poor sense of orientation and poor spatial awareness - meaning I will bum into doorframes when cutting corners, people hate it when I help them move because I will definitely bang a wall and so on. I will also get lost very easily in new surroundings and driving is a stressful experienve to me. On the opposite site of the spectrum my wife walks through a new environment and can draw a rather accurate map after a few minutes. My question is: What causes "good" vs "poor" spatial awareness, can it be trained and what tools or protocols can be of help?

Is methylene blue safe to use

Hey Andrew, My working memory is kind of shot (I assume from years of high-sugar eating and drinking) so I'm always looking for ways to aid my brain in healing. I've been seeing A LOT about Methylene Blue on Twitter these days about how MB can improve cognitive function and even facilitate brain healing in some instances. If I can find a reputable source, is this something I should experiment with? Are there any downsides to doing so? Much love for all that you do brotha.

The Neuroscience of Communication

Dear Prof. Huberman, I just watched your episode with David Goggins, it was incredible. I loved your question about motivation and relationships. I truly believe that most of our problems arise due to a lack of communication skills, so would you do an episode about The Neuroscience of Communication? It would be wonderful. Thank you for your incredible work, it has already changed the lives of many people around the world.