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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Healing the brain to prevent dementia / alzheimer's disease

The research that was presented during your podcast with Dr. Chris Palmer was fascinating & so exciting! I am specifically curious about the possibility of healing the brain to prevent dementia / alzheimer's disease. I hope more research will be dedicated to the protocols Dr. Chris Palmer spoke about. With America's aging population, a culture that embraces alcohol and so many people with sleep / insomnia problems, it's alarming to learn of the risks to brain health caused by alcohol use & poor sleep! Re: Healing the brain after longterm alcohol abuse: 1. What can be done to heal the brain of an individual who has abused alcohol for many, many years? What are the limitations? Has longitudinal research been done to track the brain health of people who no longer use/abuse alcohol? 2. If the individual has had several long stretches of time (of at least several years) when they did not drink, or drank very rarely, is it possible that this persons brain was able to heal during these intermittent times of abstaining from alcohol? ( For example, the person was a binge drinker in their 20s, then abstained for several years, then drank too much for the next 5 years, and again. abstained for 5 years, then drank heavily for the next 10 years. ) Re: Healing the brain of damaging proteins: 3. Will you please speak more about the potential of using a fasting / ketogenic diet to heal & rid the brain of damaged proteins? Links to research? 4. Does thIs healing process occur only during deep sleep? & is the healing process adversely affected by ones inability to sleep straight through the night, waking & struggling to go back to sleep? How to optimize the brains ability to heal? 5. Will an MRI, or other test, reveal if there is a build up of damaging proteins for someone who is in their 40s or 50s? (Ideally, they would be able to heal this using a ketogenic diet, or through some other means). Thank you so much!

Karbolyn carb powder

Have you ever taken or looked into karbolyn carb powder? The claims I’ve seen say that it can be absorbed quickly like a sugar but also has the ability to maintain blood sugar levels like a complex carbohydrate. Are the studies on this legit or just a marketing tactic?

Science around E-Meters in Scientology

Huge fan! Question about Scientology and their E-meter. It's "an instrument that measures the strength of a small electrical current that passes through the body of the person undergoing auditing. According to church teachings, E-meter readings (a right to left scale) indicates changes in emotional states that allow the identification of stored engrams (pictures of past events)." Is there any scientific fact around the "engrams" acting as resistance to the electric current? To be it sounds crazy, but I have family involved. Would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks in advance!

follow-up questions about oral health

I listened to the podcast on oral health and had a few follow-up questions. There are different types of fluoride in toothpaste (eg. sodium fluoride and stannous fluoride) are any “safer” than others? What about things other added to toothpaste such as activated charcoal, recaldent toothpaste, neem oil, and clove oil? If people have dentures or retainers or splints etc. what are the implications for oral health (especially if worn at night and issues with drying the mouth; or bindings with glues/resins etc.)? Did you find any information about helping people who grind their teeth overnight (what might cause that and help with it)? Did you find any information about orthodontic treatment (how to avoid it, any risks, how teeth move over the life span etc.). Thanks

Oral health - different reason for demineralization?

First of all, thank you for everything you put out here. Amazing content (and effort), thanks a lot. Then..concerning this episode I was wondering the following; Are you familiar with Weston Price's work and if so, what are your findings and thoughts on it? In short; Weston Price was a Canadian dentist known primarily for his theories on the relationship between nutrition, dental health, and physical health. In his book (1939) he describes extensively the consequences of healthy peoples who ate their native food, and transition to the food we know today. From perfect dental arches and little or no tooth decay (despite not brushing their teeth) to caries, deformed jaw structures and crooked teeth. His theory assumes that demineralization takes place because the intake and absorption of nutrients is too low. Assuming that our primitive ancestors did not use toothbrushes, I have always wondered how teeth seem to have no self-healing ability. Weston Price's findings seem to partly answer this. I'm very curious to hear your thoughts on this, I hope this question gets priority :)