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Irish sea moss

Are the benefits scientifically proven? What are the main benefits and does it really help clear/dissolve phlem and mucus from the airways whilst improving microbiome ?

New type / pathology of blood clots - white fibourous material

These findings are quite disturbing. Can you please investigate these new type of blood clots ? Apparently these have been only occurring since Covid

Nootric effects of MCT Oil

MCT oil is often recommended for providing energy for the brain. However I have not have heard of any research of any topics. Would be glad to hear your insights.

Apple Cider Vinegar side effects

I have been using apple cider vinegar daily for a while about half an hour before eating for its touted health benefits, but recently stopped as it has been interfering with my digestion. Since stopping, I have been feeling dizzy and nauseous during the day, and feel like I have a sugar-rush after eating. Could there be a connection between no longer taking it and the symptoms I am experiencing. I am concerned so any helpful advice would be appreciated.

Interview with Dr Mike Israetel - great human being!

Hi Dr Huberman, Thank you for your work and everything you are doing. I hope somehow I can get through the millions of AMA questions but I was wondering if you could interview with Dr Mike Israetel. Also, I am not sure if you have seen this video but I cannot seem to imagine this happened as this is not the first one I've seen on social regarding an interview with this person (people in the comments say it's a joke but idk):