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Peptide therapy

What company do you recommend for peptide therapy ? I’d rather not do TRT but meet somewhere in the middle where I can get the benefits of muscle recovery but still maintain normal body functions


Just joined. I don’t see anything about Nitric Oxide!? I find Nathan Bryan, Ph.D as the most impressive and his lozenges a direct solution in that they release the gas directly. But then why do they also promote beet root products? Much appreciated.

Berberine Phytosome vs Berberine HCL

Is the phytosome really more effectively absorbed by the gut and if do how much Berberine phytosome do I need to take in one day to equal the effects of 1200mg of Berberine HCL?


I am new to the topic and would love to know more about its benefits, how to take it, when to take it or if we need to take it at all? Many thanks! Liliana

Dermatology and "skin serums"

It would be very useful to have a dermatology episode (I'm not sure if that would connect nicely to the 'sunscreen' discussion, but it could dovetail nicely). It could cover typical skin diseases/issues and causes/treatments - and whether there are 'internal' ways to provide relief (how many skin issues are caused by microbiome or diet imbalance). Along with the sunscreen issue, are there general additives and ingredients that are red flags to avoid when buying skin products. Also, is there science behind all the 'serums' and products out claiming to even skin blemishes and tones (are they actually healing the skin or just covering things up)? Are there possible negative consequences to using them (similar to it a temporary fix that ultimately isn't a positive)?