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Comt Gene Val158met please help

I recently was diagnosed with Pulminary Arterial Hypertension at age 39. I had gene testing done and found out that I carry Comt Gene Val158met which is very complicated for me to understand. I will say that since I was a child I struggled with major depression, anxiety, anger, isolation and then over the years I have a very low libido and find it difficult to understand simple concepts as well as my short term memory has always been on a decline. I remember everything to the t when I was younger. I know there are others out there who have bigger issues than me but if you and or your team can please provide any type of feedback relating to what type of diet I should follow, what type of supplements should I take. The Comt gene depletes the brain of dopamine, epinephrine, estrogen, and norepinephrine from what I read and I just want to have a life where I feel happy, where I feel like I have more control of my life. Thank you

Asian Indian phenotype

I'm an Indian that wants to have a flat stomach. Recently I learned that it's harder for me to lose my belly fat because of my genetics and the "Asian Indian phenotype". This was a genetic disposition to fight against famine centuries ago. Could you please talk about the validity of the studies and how people with that phenotype should train differently to lose body fat? Bulking and cutting doesn't work the same (so I've heard). Thank you Anonymous.

Methods to improve the communication between brain hemispheres

When my daughter was 2 years old, she was diagnosed with a slight speech delay. I was told by our doctor that the act of crawling helps to develop the connections between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Since she had learned to walk early and did very little crawling, the treatment involved having her crawl, putting her in a hammock or cradle that moved from side to side, and rubbing the balls of her feet (??) as hard as she would allow. Strangely enough, we did these things and the speech delay vanished rather quickly. Can you explain to me why these treatments worked, and if you agree with this method? Can you also suggest what treatments you would suggest for a middle aged adult with this issue that was left untreated in childhood? I struggled to learn how to communicate efficiently growing up. As an adult, my speech is sometimes *halting* or I struggle to communicate seamlessly (especially in stressful situations).

Future research topics

Hi Andrew, If you had no limits (hence all of the money and access granted to different systems and databases in the world) what would be the Top 3 areas of experimentation that you would look into? More specifically: where do you see reoccurring patterns but not enough data to claim the validity of the patterns you observed? Looking forward to hearing about it! Cheers, Alina from Denmark.

Fitness Trackers

I know your are associated with whoop. I have had whoop for the past 4 years. The inaccuracy of the wrist based sensor related to strain activities makes the recovery information irrelevant. I found a fitness tracker that is far better and actually has help me improve my conditiong. It is Morpheus. I just completed the 8 week program. I am 65 years old and after the 8 week program I am in better shape than I was at 35. I am 6'0" tall, 205lb, 17% Body fat, 49 RHR, 75 Ave is an integrity challenge for you..Have Joel Jamieson on your podcast. Whoop changed my life by getting me to stop drinking alcohol..Morpheus changed my life by improving my conditioning. Todd Mace