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Recent AHA study on intermittent fasting

Good morning sir. First off, I love your podcasts. They are super informative. Im just looking to get your take on the latest news from the American Heart Assoc that intermittent fasting can lead to a 91% increase cardiovascular death. I’ve got my own feelings about the study which I don’t find all that comprehensive but would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you. Ken

Adderall and Hypothalamus

Recently got my labs back and both my morning cortisol (5.8 ug/dL) and DHEA-S (142 ug/dL) were below the normal range. I'm a 36 year old male and generally healthy - stick to whole foods, supplement, strength train and do cardio. I do take Adderall though (5-7mg a day). I realize my results could be caused by a whole list of reasons on the highway between the hypothalamus and adrenal gland gland. But, was wondering if Adderall is somehow impacting the initial communication coming from the hypothalamus. Any insight you could provide would be appreciated. Thanks.

Taking NAD+ Liposomally vs. NR/NMN

Is it better to take NAD+ directly or take the precursors like NR/NMN? Do you discuss this in any podcast episodes?

Dr. Andrew Huberman Complete Supplement Protocol

Hi, I have been keeping up with your work for over a year now, and you have helped me improve my life in countless ways. One of those ways is opening my eyes to specific supplements such as fish oils and creatine. I know you have made multiple episodes where you discuss various compounds. Still, I feel that many of your viewers, including myself, would love to see a complete Dr. Huberman supplement regimen where you tell us about every supplement you take and why. P.S. I don't know if anyone has said this to you, but truly, thank you for your interest in science because, without your interest in science, this podcast wouldn't exist.

Emotional Freedom Technique : Tapping and latest research

Would love for you to invite Dr Peta Stapleton from Bond Uni to share her research findings :)