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Dreams: why am I conscious of them and not conscious at other times?

I can recall very vivid dreams from when I was five years old. In general I have always had mostly scary dreams that I would rather not be aware of while in that state (traumatic childhood maybe or genetic, I don't know, my father was also prone to nightmares where he would cry out in the middle of the night). During college I used to take 15 minute power naps, but after recurring nightmares of being stuck in slow-motion falling elevators and then trying to force myself awake only into another nightmare, I had to stop taking naps. Most nights I don't know when I'm dreaming. However, lately I have been conscious of my dreams every night for the past week or so, every single night. I sleep regularly as much as possible (although daylight savings really messed me up this year), finish eating at the same time almost every night, get the same amount of sleep, etc. If ever there was a switch to shut off awareness to nightmares, I'd love to know.

ADHD and Insomnia

Could my recent ADHD diagnosis be the cause of my insomnia that has persisted for about 20 years? I’m looking to understand from your experience or knowledge if there’s a possible link. Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

BPC 157 & TB 4/500

My friend is injecting this for a shoulder injury, they don’t care where they get it, “everyone is doing it” in the BJJ world and they are literally “crazed” - it’s been noticeable with the mood overall behavior, new weird nerves and growths in a small framed body on top of odd energy levels. Also can you travel with these injections and or can someone be stripped of their belts in BJJ? Why aren’t these illegal? Vs just WADA Banned?

What is Cognitive Dissonance?

Scientifically speaking, what exactly is cognitive dissonance? What causes it, what does it take to change it, why is it so hard to change?

Hands - numbness and burning

Hi Andrew, Firstly I just want to say I have become a very big fan of yours! Please keep up the awesome work and sharing your knowledge with us! Very much appreciated. I wake up everyday with my thumb, index, and middle fingers completely numb. But they also feel like they’re burning. I have been told I have ‘nerve damage’ around the C6 vertebrae?! I have no idea where that is 😬😳 the numbness also lasts quite a while and I’m unable to do anything after waking - with my hands -;for almost up to an hour. I often drop things too as I can’t feel I’m holding them, because I can’t feel them if that makes sense. Thank you! I’ll keep an eye out for the AMA episodes to see if this question gets selected! Cheers, Maz from Perth Australia.