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Not a question - show of support

Hi Andrew, I'm not sure if this is the best way to reach you, but I felt like expressing my support for you and your family in what is happening this last week. Tons of respect for everything you bring, for how you are inspiring all of us to become better versions of ourselves and for showing up as a real & authentic human being. I'm 100% sure this will all blow over really fast, and whatever is true of it is not up to us or the media. We are all human beings, we all have our past and our stories, and none of us is perfect. Would be a pretty boring world haha! Truly hope you can take the time with close friends and loved ones in this period, and remember the worst mistake in life is to take things too seriously :) Have a nice Easter weekend, Sibren

Hypertension drugs and the brain

What effect do hypertension drugs such as ACE inhibitors have on brain and neurotransmitter function?

Potential - Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis

Hey Andrew, I have a relative who is in the process of being tested for a potential MS diagnosis, after experiencing a seizure and a discovery of spinal tumors. From my understanding, MS affects the Central Nervous System, and in particular, the Myelin that covers/ protects the nerves. Would you be able to provide an explanation/illustration of how exactly MS affects the body? And, any insights that you could share about MS would be helpful. I’d like to be prepared to support my family member in any way possible should they receive a confirmed MS diagnosis. Thank you in advance

The role of Myelin in Skill building

Hi Andrew, I might have missed this point in your previous podcast but I don’t think you ever mentioned in details the role of Myelin in skill building. Is the research as clear as some books pretend it to be and if so does it extend beyond practical skills? Is myelin also involved as we create routines in the workplace or is it more specific to the strengthening of physical movement patterns? Thanks a lot in advance, Olivier

NSDR visualisation

In the NSDR script you instruct to imagine yourself in your minds eye standing over yourself, looking down at your seated / lying down body holding a falshlight and directing them to different parts of the body. Do I really have to visualize in my minds eye how the mentioned parts are lightened or is this just an aid so that I can focus on the sensations of the body parts mentioned? Does the visualization have a purpose and does it have to be done? I need a lot of concentration to do this visualisation, I can't perceive the sensations at the same time because my concentration is already flowing into the visualization.