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Wellness Map

What would you say to the below list of Guidestones to Wellness, and would you add or subtract if creating one yourself for the General Populace? 1. Why 2. Know Yourself 3. Feel Safe and Comfortable 4. Pain is Your Teacher 5. You are Your G.U.R.U. (Gee, You, Are, You) 6. Breathe and Feel 7. Awareness 8. Self-Requlation 9. Rest in Natural Postures of Rest 10. Feel with your Senses; Also Feel the Shapes and Angles of Rest and Movement, Especially with Your Skin and the Bones of Your Spine, Shoulder Blades, Ribs, Pelvis, Hands and Feet 11. Feel, Play, and Learn while Moving (Interacting with your environment) 12. Restore Movements of our Environmental, Historical, Adaptedness 13. NatURe 14. Contact with The Earth 15. Walk on Varied Natural Surfaces 16. Sunlight 17. Sleep Deeply 18. Water/Hydration 19. Just Eat Real Food… to Support Your Best Gene Expression 20. Social Support 21. Time with Pets 22. Self Care Time/Introspection 23. Gratitude 24. Acceptance 25. Compassion 26. Legacy

S.T.E.M. and the Humanities

Besides S.T.E.M. what can we draw from the Humanities to help Self-Regulate our Wellness and perhaps, also assist with our Co-Existence with our Fellow Humans who are different from our In-Groups and the other Non-Human Animals and the Rest of the Web of Life, on our Bio-Sphere?

TMS(Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation)

Is TMS a valid scientific modality to positively treat certain negative mental states and if so what age ranges and disorders?

Binaural betas + music

Is mixing binaural beats with music still effective? Particularly I found a paper talking about 420 and 460 to help with focus, but I am not sure if mixing music is safe or if it is still effective with the music, I'm talking any music, could be pop, classical, etc. To make it more enjoyable than just some ringing tones. Thanks :)

Is sleeping with headphones in order to fall a sleep unhealthy?

How harmful could it be if it is?