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Sleep issue no doctor can helped me with

I’ve been to both a psychiatrist and a neurologist for this issue, and they are unsure of the cause have been unable to help me. Just as I am about to drift asleep, my mind jolts me awake, this is sometimes but not always accompanied by jolting of my limbs. This increases my heart rate and prevents me from going to sleep. This is not an every night occurrence but every other night. This results are taking multiple hours to fall asleep, and getting only five hours of sleep every other night. When this doesn’t happen, I am able to sleep 7 to 8 hours without issues. This is resulted in poor quality sleep. I have gone on reddit and found others that experience the same thing and are equally lost. Some mention this happens when coming off of SSRI’s or illicit substances, such as stopping heavy cannabis use. Dr Huberman and Dr. Walker. Please help me with this as I’ve exhausted my resources, and found nothing. All that has happened as I have been charged extensively by doctors only to walk away with no improvement of my symptoms.

Can my EPA levels be too high?

I recently did some thorough blood/stool/urine tests with an MD specialized in integrative medicine, and one of her conclusions was that my levels of Omega 3s, specifically EPA, were too high, and my levels of Omega 6 too low. Is this possible? What would the downside of too many omega3s be?

Optimal Lighting for 2am wake up.

I get up for work at 2am, would I still seek light at that time? I get out to watch the sunrise at 7am everyday. Most light exposure in the 2am-4a is screens. Then work lighting until 7am

Ag1 Multivitamin Powder

It is suggested to take it in te morning on empty stomach. I skip breakfast for intrerval fasting. Does it break the fast? If yes, when to take it? Other related question: does stevia in it induce cephalic phase of insulin release? Thank you! Krisztina

Vitamin Elimination in Urine

Is excessive urination following vitamin/supplement intake a negative sign? Does the body adapt to higher vitamin intakes similar to higher protein supplementation intake?