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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Lyme Disease

Can you do a full episode on Lyme Disease? A lot of us out here really need it. See also these documentaries as a starting point: - The Quiet Epidemic - The Monster Inside Me

Neurological processes when just waking up and how to use them to benefit us

What neurological processes occur whe just waking up from sleep, and how can we use them to benefit us? -What activities can we engage in to take advantage of this state (such as reading, NSDR, studying, practicing an instrument, working, memory excercises, listening/reading/writing other language, creative activities, etc...)? -What kinds of activities do not benefit from this state? -What kinds of activities should we avoid during this state? For example, I imagine watching TikTok is particularly detrimental at this stage compared with watching it 4 hours after waking up -How is this state affected by exposure to sunlight or remaining in a pitch-dark room? Does it subtract from or add to the benefits or duration? -When we stop being kind of awake but not fully awake, to being mostly or fully awake? -Can we go a step further and set an alarm to wake us up during a certain sleep stage to gain even more benefits, or to experience a different set of benefits at a specific sleep stage?

REM Rebound Causes

Just finished the second episode in the Matt Walker series. The section on cannabis covered REM rebound and "wild, vivid, crazy dreams" experienced by abstaining cannabis users. What else can cause REM rebound aside from cannabis? As someone who has very vivid terrible dreams but does not partake of cannabis or any other drug or alcohol, what else could be the cause? Supplements, stress, disorders, hormones, or simply just a pattern of poor sleep? (Fantastic series by the way, Dr. Walker is so engaging and brilliant at explaining things. Thank you for making this happen, it's a true gift to listen to and learn from.)

Methylene Blue

I've seen various journal articles on the medical uses of USP grade Methylene Blue, and have been seeing a number of products being sold as supplements that are 1%-2% solutions of MB. What are your thoughts on MB? I run a analytical and microbiological laboratory that routinely tests supplements, foods, drugs, etc. I have noticed a lot of the MB products I have tested are not actually USP grade, and many contain high levels of cadmium and other heavy metals.

Invite to evening with Rick Doblin, David Bronner and me -- SF, Sat 4/27/24

Dear Dr. Huberman (may I call you Andrew?) Please forgive the multitude of messages that you are receiving from me. I want to reach you directly and am trying all avenues to do that. I would like to invite you to join me at a small gathering on Saturday April 27th with Rick Doblin and David Bronner at the San Francisco home of my friend, Coltrane Lord. Might you be available? I am aware that this is rather short notice. The event is a private fund raiser for the Chacruna Institute and I have already purchased a ticket for you; this is not a solicitation for money but honestly a request for your personal time: a blind acquaintance date, of sorts. If you are game for what I promise will be an interesting few hours, please reach out to me either via email or personal cell: 707.548.6825 With sincere regards and high hopes of a yes/maybe/raincheck response, Marisha Chilcott, MD CEO/CMO Be the Change in Mental Health