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Optimal sleeping when sick

I have a question about how I should sleep when I am sick. Should I only sleep at night and try to avoid sleeping during the day as much as possible, or what should I do for optimal recovery?

Marijuana and risk of heart attack and stroke?

Dr. Huberman, I am a 44 year old male. 3 years ago I was diagnosed with 3 vessel CAD with a calcium score of ~ 4,100, blocked 90% in my right coronary artery and 80% in my LDA. I required 4 stents and then got another stent in October of last year. Cardiologist said this was caused from familial hyperlipemia, basically I inherited some bad genetics. Luckily, this was caught before I suffered a heart attack. I use medical MJ to control my anxiety, but I heard recently there is a study that says MJ increase risk of heart attack an stroke. Can you comment on this study or have a podcast regarding this subject? Thank you,

Intermittent morning light useless?

My job makes it impossible to view morning light. Artificial light is not practical since I am unable to sit that long for the recommended period of time (piece of advice to all the folks out there: never join the food industry unless you want the worst health ever, physically and mentally.). Is there even any point in getting morning light only twice a week to help circadian rhythm? Thank you!

Multitasking - may it rather exist at some level?

you and all my fav scientists are claiming that multitasking is impossible. what I experience is that when 1st task is done by my authomatic mode (let's say at a level of Kahneman's system 1 thinking, eg ironing, doing the laundry, folding, etc), I can perfectly learn and think parallel. even creating an article e.g. with a conversation of chatgpt4, who is doing the manual work, where my hands are busy with family errands. does that make sense? so could it be exist that multitasking is a perfectly existing thing, til you can ensure that 1 of the 2 tasks you are doing remains in your 'autopilot mode'? many thanks, Dorka from Budapest

Homosexuality in men

Hello, can you please please have in depth discussion with top scientists about homosexuality in men. What are the resons for someone to be homosexual. I know the basics. I googled but it looks like there is still no definite answer. I would love to hear the most recent views and your opinions.