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Catecholamines and COMT gene

Hi Andrew, Could you please do an AMA on catecholamines and how they are processed and catabolized? I have been diagnosed with a genetic mutation of the COMT gene and, although I'm in the wellness field, this needs to be broken down for me to best understand how to support my cognition and health through this. Thanks so much :)


Hello Andrew, Please can you devote some time to the topic of microdosing lsd? How, when and what doses should one consider to take? Thank you in advance Marcin


For one who has the MTHFR gene mutation, what is folic acid doing to my gut and liver health? I hear folic acid is found in our gluten, is that why I have a gluten intolerance?

Question on precise meaning of morning sunlight

I seem to be puzzled on what defines morning sunlight for our brain: - is it the angle of photons at which they are directed at our atmosphere, giving that red color of sunrise, which perhaps works different on our retinas? - is it just the matter of time range after waking up when sunlight works different than at e.g. noon? If the correct answer is the second one, would waking up at noon after going to sleep very late still be considered as "morning sunlight" to our brain? Otherwise, should we aim to see the sunlight closely to the sunrise and not our waking time?

Central Vein Occulusion

Have you seen any new studies/literature that discuss viable treatment options for people who suffer from CVO's? I have had shots in my eye for about 2 years, and I'm on my 3rd injectable, with minor progress. My ophthalmologist has said that there are really no other options than taking the shots, and hopefully when they work, I'll be weened off of them when they improve the blood moving out of the retina. Love to hear your ideas, plus i wonder if there are other veins in the body that may be impacted, but the veins in the eye are acting as the canary? I have no other heath issues, no diabetes, high blood pressure, etc, however i am a cigarette smoker.