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The Bobcat in my yard

does not push the ground away from it as it hops up on the rock works in my garden. Of course they utilize ground forces, but they take advantage of the ground force reaction and unfold and lift upwards. The first tetrapods did not do pushups. Their nervous system organized their musculature to organize their skeletons to lift. In standing, you could ask yourself. Are you standing over your feet like an upside down pendulum. If so gravity is pulling you into the ground and with body sway your nervous system is excessively engaged to maintain your stability. If you imagine you are on a trampoline and at the moment of the trampolines greatest elasticity and all the forces accumulate to lift up through you from the soles of your feet through your skeleton to your head, you will find within a very different sense of your balance and equilibrium. At the 46:35 and 47:55 minute in your podcast on Protocols to Strengthen & Pain Proof Your Back and at the 6:13 mark in your demo video, you tell people to push the floor away from you. Usain Bolt did not go fast by pushing the floor away from him, Great jumpers in basketball do not push the floor away from them. They strike the floor. Foot pounds of pressure can be recorded, they take advantage of ground force reactions, and quick twitch muscle fiber and unfold away from the floor, or you could say they lift away from the floor. It is a completely different experience of living in gravity it you experience gravity pulling down through yourself, your head onto your spine, your torso onto your hip joints, through your legs to the floor rather than experiencing the lift available through the extensors by living from the ground up, your skeleton serving the function of lifting your head so the organization of your teleceptors is optimum. It is a completely different experience of doing the side plank by lifting yourself and balancing away from the stability of the floor. It is a complete reorganization of how you tonify your musculature to engage your skeleton and lift.


Can you do an episode on antibiotics, the different types, protocols for when you are taking them, and protocols for recovering from antibiotic toxicity, especially from fluoroquinolones? Also, does giving animals antibiotics negatively affect our gut microbiome? I've seen claims you can get "second hand" antibiotics through meat.

Cigar smoking and health

Does Cigar smoking impact health, even though you don't inhale? Is second hand Cigar smoke dangerous for the smoker and others?

Retired special operator recently diagnosed with Stage IIA Osteosarcoma

How can I leverage foundational fitness while honoring the significant stressors of chemotherapy?

Free T Calculator / Reliable Resource

I have conflicting MD opinions on my Testosterone. It seems Free T is just a calculation (Albumin, SHBG, Total T). Is there a reliable online site for that calculation AND a chart that tells you whether that number is low?