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Neuroscience of arrested development

Hi Andrew. I have experienced trauma at a very young age of about 4 or 5. By now at the age of 53 I have come to acknowledged and accepted that my emotional makeup (or should I say something inside me, just so I don’t narrow down what it is inside me to a specific word like “emotional makeup”)… something about me is still a 5-year-old. I saw your short describing childhood as a sort of “hallucination”. I don’t know where to start with a question. Would you direct me to any information whatsoever or any person or organization or authority that would help me? I did deliberately make this a very open ended question, so much that probably don’t hear a question. I will appreciate anything you have for me.

Does yerba mate cause cancer? Yerba mate tea "Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) is a known carcinogen". "research shows that excessive use of yerba mate over a prolonged amount of time is linked to a number of cancers."

Are you concerned about the PAH levels in Yerba Mate tea? Yerba mate tea contains "Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) is a known carcinogen". "research shows that excessive use of yerba mate over a prolonged amount of time is linked to a number of cancers."

Alternative Peri/menopause support

Loved your episode with Dr. Mary Claire Haver, thank you so much for that wealth of empowering knowledge. Just knowing what causes symptoms somehow makes it easier, not to mention all the possible medical solutions that she spoke about is also incredibly helpful. Wondering if there could ever be an episode with other non-medicinal tools to deal with perimenopausal symptoms, especially mental issues like brain fog, depression, etc. ADHD like symptoms were mentioned in the episode, would tools for trying to improve adhd also be equally useful to help against perimenopause symptoms? Meditation? Supplements? Dopamine protocols from you dopamine episode? Thank you again for the fabulous podcast, I cannot express my gratitude enough for the help you are offering for free to help women and men navigate this Rocky Mountain range of a hormonal landscape. It is life changing.

Hydrogen Water Bottles

These range from $30-$300. Is there anything to them worthwhile? If the claims are true, it would be an easy protocol to introduce. Why is the price variance so large?

Eye lids closed or eye protection

I am 76 years old using a full body coverage red and NIR combo lamp (Rouge brand) 6” away from my body for 6 minutes on the front and then 6 minutes on the back for 6 day each week. If I keep my eyes closed for the 6 minutes when the bulbs are 6” above my face will the NIR penetrate into my eyeball? Is this harmful? Do I need eye protection.