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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Essential oils

Are there any scientific studies that support the use of essential oils for various aspects of wellness? And are there studies to show any harms of them (or certain ones)? For example, lavender is widely used for calming effects but have also read that it has estrogenic properties. And the difference in the benefits vs. risks of using topically, smelling (diffusers, sprays, etc) and / or ingesting orally.

Visual sensitivity and light adaptation

Hi! I have had a series of neurological issues pop up over the last 2 years that my doctors thought were directly related to Covid. The last time I was infected, I started immediately experiencing visual problems, specifically with light adaptation. In the morning, my eyes feel almost electric, and if I go from a dark room to a room with light, it feels like I am staring at the sun. It seems to be happening more in my peripheral vision, almost like I can see moving lines and everything appears abnormally bright. Afterwards, the top of my vision will flicker, almost as if the eyes aren’t moving together in sync. We recently discovered that I have mold toxicity as well and high inflammation in my body so I believe the combination of these toxins has damaged some neuro-visual function but doctors cannot figure out what is happening. Also worth noting is that bright sunny days don’t bother my eyes but cloudy days are very hard to adapt to. I am wondering if the melanopsin cells might have a role in some of these strange visual sensitivities and if so, what can be done to help improve the function so that I am not as sensitive. Thank you!


I would like to hear your perspective and thoughts on "grounding" and if there is any science to back the perceived benefits. thank you

**Urgent**My partner of 7 years at 48 young just had Intracerebral Hemorrhage

My partner's sister has never liked me. I took him to the ER on 6/14/24 she and his father have denied me to visit him. I have access to his medical information and they say he is nonverbal, able to track staff but not following commands. The last notes on file say she is going to apply for conservatorship. Based on your teaching, I know he can regain his speech with therapy and patience. However I don't know what I could do immediately I know my boyfriend does not want to go live with her, she is anything but patient and loving. (lord forgive me for saying it out loud) but he would say it himself. She only called for money and he hated to be very long around her. He and I are both suffering and I don't know what I can do the hospital completely ignores my calls and I know he won't recuperate if she takes him. Is there any way to communicate with him with any device or any way so that he can tell them? Please help my phone number is 408-724-3818. I'm sorry for the right to the point and do thank you for all the informative science lessons you provide. If it were not for your podcasts I would never have been exposed to word Neuroplasticity, coming from Redwood City, California from the Dumbarton area. Thank you again.

Is there a career path to learning more about human nature?

I’m fully intrigued by every episode to the point of listening to them more than once if not more. Is there a career path for this deep seated intrigue, as in what’s the next step or is this at best just a hobby? Where do I go next so to speak.