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PSSD - Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction

Curious to get your thoughts on PSSD. As people are becoming more and more aware of the long lasting damages SSRI’s can cause on people’s sexual and cognitive function, do you have any insight on the cause of PSSD? Or possibly any treatment people that are suffering with it can try?

Vitamin D

Could you please review the literature on Vitamin D? Specifically, pls discuss the potential consequences of vitamin D deficiency in adults (i.e. beyond rickets) and suggested supplementation protocols.

Chronic Daily Headaches

I was diagnosed with "chronic daily headaches" when I was about 15, I am now 24 and still dealing with them. Nothing seems to help me. When I went to a neurologist I was told they don't know the cause of a headache and that I was basically shit out of luck. I want to know if there is anymore information on what causes headaches. I also regularly get what I call Nerve pains or "zings" that often stop me in my tracks for anywhere from 10seconds and 3minutes or more throughout my head (typically by my temple or eye) and body (mostly my outer right thigh) sometimes. All MRI's, CT scans come back normal. I have done elimination of processed foods, cannabis use, consumption of any alcohol and basically anything that is processed in my body and I strength train 3-4 times a week. I would call myself overall healthy except these headaches. Any advice on where to start, articles on headaches or any other information would be incredible. Thank you, Jcellini

Zone 2 Cardio

Thank you for sharing your fitness protocols. I’m interested to understand how you make up the remainder of your Zone 2 cardio. Do you just incorporate into daily activity levels and is it necessary to have a step target? Thanks

Adolescence Cannabis Use

I smoked from turning 16 to mid 17 about everyday for a total time span of about a year. I recently completely cut off any and all use till my brain is developed after watching your recent episode on effects in adolescence. I definitely notice that my memory has depleted and it is quite awful now. Now, to the point I'd like to know the best way I can actively contrast the damage done to my memory? I would like to help recover my memory in the coming years.