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Crushing your second curve (second half of life)

If you were a developing the anti-aging/your absolute best version of you center for 40 an over avatar….. What services are an absolute must. (Inclusive of movements/exercise (ie Vasper/ ARX machine) and lifestyle/wellness technologies (ie intentional cold -plunge vs dry, red light sauna, hyperbaric pemf… etc) Another words what’s the best use of our time to get maximum tangible outcomes? (Ie energy levels, sleep, mental clarity, building muscle mass… )

PET; MRI; Blood Tests? Any Neurological Tells for dishonesty?

Is there a flag or signal the brain expresses when someone is being dishonest? If so could it be 100% conclusive? If not; I believe research in this area would be most beneficial and would certainly expose some truths. Also; the Justice system would actually work....??? Just trying to fix the world. Thanks Cherie


I lost one eye due to Glaucoma, I am currently wearing a prosthetic eye and sometimes when it is very hot, I can feel a sharp pain in my eye. My mom has lost her vision due to Glaucoma as well. I ran into an video of you in 2018 talking about Glaucoma and the effort you were putting into it. Where are you with your Glaucoma research? does Glaucoma patient have hope? Someone like me who had an evisceration, can I ever hope to get an eye transplant in the future so I can see again from my right eye? It would be amazing if you can have an episode on Glaucoma and what to do to prevent it. My Doctor in 2020 suggested a surgery to kill the nerve in my eye because I was dealing with a lot of pain and he did not think there was another way to do so and that surgery was to eliminate the little vision I had left back then. After that surgery, the pain decreased but I had zero vision left. Fast forward 2021, I started to feel a lot of pain when it was sunny and I couldn't stand natural light and artificial light although I did not have any light sensitivity based on the multiple eye exam I was doing. I still did not know why I was always in pain. My Glaucoma Dr suggested to remove the eye which was the hardest thing I have heard, I was very skeptical about so I continue to suffer for a couple of years but then in 2023, I decided to move forward with the surgery after multiple Drs I met at Northwestern University Hospital in Chicago. I am curious to know at the stage of Glaucoma I was, what are the options? Eyes drops did not work.

Skin Health

How can I improve skin texture and overall skin and health?

HRV and elite athletes and drugs

If a person takes modafinal, could this create unusually low hrv and negative t waves in ekg? And does this mean that like low hrv’s predictive indicator of all cause mortality does modafinal (used off label for depression/bi polar) cause increase in all cause mortality?