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Microwaves - any detrimental effects on health?

Is there any research on the use of microwaves for heating food - does it cause any detrimental effects on health or nutrition of the food we heat in it - aside from usual nutrient loss from heat?

Sweat induced by anxiety

My man! Appreciate all the work you've done to help me and anyone that's listening My question relates to sweating and anxiety For context: Generally speaking I believe I have a fast metabolism (those people that eat a lot without seeming to gain weight) As a byproduct of that I run hot.. I tend to not wear layers cause I will eventually get too warm and sweat I have a fairly good cold and heat tolerance - being able to stay a decent amount of time in a cold plunge and in the sauna as well Now when it comes to "anxiety" triggering events such as public speaking, even when the room is cold - when this "anxiety" comes up during this presentation I start sweating... (I put "anxiety" in quotations cause my understanding is anxiety and excitement have the same physiological response and I try to reframe anxiety as excitement instead and it seems to help) Another example would be, presenting on teams in front of the whole team and something doesn't go right = sweating What causes that trigger to sweat? Can I do something to reduce that frequency or stop it all together? Thank you, Emmanuel

Using light technology to enhance sleep

Helight, a company in the US, uses red light therapy to put you to sleep at night. They claim to be based on NASA studies. This goes against what you’ve always said that ANY light in the evening disrupts sleep. Do you agree with their claim that specific wavelengths of red light can in-fact aide sleep?

Stitches whilst running

What on earth are they, and how can you prevent and get rid of them? Thank you!

When during the sleep cycle do nightmare occur?

As a US Army veteran and soon to be retired, first responder, I struggle with PTSD and night terrors. I have learned a lot, listening to your podcasts, and I greatly appreciate what you do. I was wondering when during the sleep cycle do nightmares occur? I know from personal experiences that my night terrors can occur various times of the night Recently, I Believe I heard you mention that REM usually occurs near the end of the sleep cycle.