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with Huberman Lab Premium

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I really enjoy having transcripts because after I listen to a podcast I like to go back and read them and take notes as well. Unfortunately, there are a lot of transcripts that aren't available, which is a little sad because the transcripts that find to be most helpful for me are the toolkit episodes. I was wondering why there aren't transcripts for those episodes or why they're not available? I really don't enjoy reading things off of a screen because I to have it right there and I can make any notes that I want. That's also a huge reason I pre-ordered your book, which I am super excited to read! Thank you for all of the information you give us! It's helped me immensely!

Icebath before SLEEPING?!

I'm doing Coldshowers and Icebaths in the early morning hours for years now. 2 Months ago I tried it out before going to bed and surprisingly it works great for me, feeling more calm and relaxed. I always thought that cold exposure in the late evening disrupts your sleep. Is there any data or mechanism that supports my positive experience?

Hi, my name is Brendan, I love listening to your episodes and all the information and appreciate your mission for free knowledge. I listened to your episode from back in march with your friend E.J. today and couldn't get it off my mind, I am fascinated with the human eye. You mention 7 of 20 ganglion cells that we mostly understand responsible for our vision. I am not sure if this is new information but when I was deep thinking about this as far as roles go do you think, especially from an evolutionary standpoint, cells that pick up medium changes could be one of the players. As in opening your eyes under water, bending light, or in the desert heat. Just an idea I wanted to share, I tend to be an abstract thinker. Thanks!


Hi Andrew, love the podcast, my question is about pregnancy. I’m currently pregnant with my third child and I decided to do things different during this pregnancy as I’m in my 30’s now and not in my 20’s like the last two pregnancy’s. My question is, can you get an expert on the podcast about eating/exercising while pregnant. What is something we can do for sleeping better. Maybe milk production, etc (everything pregnancy related). My two first pregnancies while I was in my 20’s I didn’t really focus or care about nutrition and exercise, I kind of did the whole, YAY! I’m eating for two, and proceeded to gain a lot of weight. When it was time to get back into shape, it took me a very long time to do so. So this time around, since it took me such a long time to get back into fitness and nutrition, I decided to continue on what I’ve been always doing, but I’m worried that I should maybe add more calories or limit my exercising. I feel amazing at the moment. I’m currently 20 weeks pregnant, still eat a whole food diet, limit the sugar intake as much as possible. Weight lift. Walk/bike/swim. Cold plunge in the morning for about 2 minutes a day. I stopped the sauna and the hot tubs. I don’t take the prenatal vitamins, I still take my AG1, sometimes I’ll take it twice a day but not everyday. I take an amino acid supplement for protein intake. Still doing protein shakes. Still taking creatine. Still drink black coffee. Etc etc lol Anyways, I would really love some feedback from you and an expert on prenatal ☺️ Thank you for all your wonderful teachings. I look forward in learning every week. Keep up the great work 👏🏼

Start Resistance Training from Scratch

Dr. Huberman, 47 yo male. 6'0 70kg. I started my fitness journey last year, losing 35 lbs by CR and exercise. Currently I am training for a half marathon and I run 3-4 days a week and row 2 days a week. I have never lifted weights or done any form of resistance training and I simply am not sure where to start. I am wanting to train 2-3 days per week. Can you recommend a specific protocol (exercises, weight, reps) as a place to start?