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What would be your home setup to ensure you limit indor pollution as much as possible?

Cold Plunge Using Plastic Containers.

I have a question about the ability for microplastics to enter the body via skin. I've set up a code plunge, where I freeze water in BPA free plastic containers. My concern is that microplastics/nanoplastics could present themselves from all the freezing and unfreezing of not only the water within the container, but also the containers themselves (Plunge water heats up to 91° overnight, garaged). Until recently, I would also put the Frozen containers into the plunge itself until thawed a bit. I've tried researching, and haven't found anything conclusive either way. Any thoughts or concerns?

The McGill Big 3 For Core Stability

I've finished watching some of your back and core stability videos. However, when I do the Curl-Up sets I feel like my neck is doing too much work. I don't feel pain but I feel like I cannot engage my abs properly. Even when I think I got it I still feel like the neck is doing too much and by that I mean it gets tired before my abs do. Any tips? I don't experience pain during or after the exercises.

Online therapy - evidence-based studies, efficacy, safety, ethics etc

Online platforms like BetterHelp and Talkspace are increasingly aggressive in advertising their services, including on your own show. I am curious to know whether there is any science backing them up. There is plenty of evidence on the efficacy of in-person therapy, but I was always under the impression that a lot hinges on the personal patient - therapist relationship. I am sceptical as to whether these platforms actually succeed in delivering the same results as in-person therapy. If possible, please elaborate on the difference between video therapy and text therapy (the latter is increasingly common and just plain weird to me). Can you please delve into the science? Thanks!

Learning information

Having your work consisting largely of obtaining and sharing information what has been your go to way to be able to memorize and recall information. Weather that being what you do now vs what you did in your youth.