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Please help save countless lives, minds, and hearts. Please.

I posted a request a long, long time ago asking you to look into mold because it was "everything you were researching." I was wrong. I was deeply misled, and it has cost me everything. I'm not the only one. The "Shoemaker Protocol" and the Institute for Functional Medicine are leading countless people to believe that their neurological and psychological problems are caused by "mold toxicity" in their homes. This is predatory medicine. It took me a long time to understand what was happening because I had a true, legitimate injury due to multiple head injuries (2 TBIs and 5, at the time, concussions). This is how mold doctors work. They blame legitimate illnesses/injuries on mold. It's easy, because mold is everywhere, and so.. they can "prove" it's the cause - either with unapproved urine testing (the will pick up the "mycotoxins" that your body is effectively clearing from your system, or mold testing companies that will find mycotoxins in the home. But, correlation is not causation. And the dose makes the poison. Yet, because of all the lies put out by those profiting on this misinformation, people are not getting help for the true cause of their injuries - and it leads to further injury. I know, because that's what happened to me. I, like far too many people, suffer from complex trauma in addition to acute trauma, sexual trauma, medical trauma, vicarious trauma, and chronic trauma. In the year before my "mold toxicity" diagnosis, I lost my friend to cancer, my boyfriend that I'd lived with for four years ended our relationship, my mother died, I cared for my bipolar father who had abused me throughout my life with vascular dementia, then he sent me away, and I was hit by a car. Yet, a "functional neurology chiropractor" (basing her case on Dave Asprey's "Moldy" predatory documentary, he sells mold free coffee!), a family nurse practitioner who bought the Shoemaker fraud, and an internal medicine doctor (who I later learned had her license revoked for fraud) all managed to convince me (despite knowing of my history of head injuries & psychological trauma) that my pain (from whiplash & a concussion) along with my emotional dysregulation where caused by mold toxicity - and my apartment in Portland Oregon was toxic due to mold that could only be detected using extremely sensitive MVOC testing - which detected the lowest amount on the range. The "mold symptoms" I experienced in my bathroom were really due to photophobia & extreme sound sensitivity (that I didn't have the capacity to recognize as typical concussion responses for me). The migraines were caused by the accident (plus extreme anxiety, and PTSD of all sorts). I wanted to make it my mission to overturn all of this nonsense, but I had another auto accident in April, and I simply don't have the capacity to do so right now. I am crushed by over $40,000 of debt - because of my inability to work for over two years, along with thousands and thousands and thousands wasted on staying in hotels when I could not sleep in my car, wasted alternative care (mild hyperbaric treatments to "kill the mold" that had "crossed the blood brain barrier" and was destroying my brain), IV therapies, and a ridiculous amount of supplements. I lost everything, as do so many people who fall for these lies. Facebook has "mold toxicity support groups" with nearly 70,000 people who have fallen for this scheme. Most of them talk about being advised to get rid of everything they own as "if you move with it, you take the mold with you, and you'll never recover." No, it's not the mold that they would take with them - it's reminders of trauma, grief, and sorrow that they had that they take with them - it's the PTSD that doesn't heal. But even if they do discard everything the "may not heal once out of the mold environment" because the "mycotoxins" have invaded their system. Or, like me, they have devastating financial loss that causes additional trauma that they never experienced before. I recently had a neuropsychological analysis that diagnosed mild cognitive disorder, which, I was amused when I read that one of the symptoms is paranoia and likelihood to fall victim to scams. Yes, the biggest medical scam of our time. And it's growing. Please, Andrew, please help people understand the true science behind this - the science of trauma. I was shocked with I saw an interview Jordan Peterson did where he gave credit to this "mold toxicity" causing neurological problems. Yet, I see that he, too, would fall prey to these lies - correlation is not causation - but, he's clearly suffered vicarious trauma with both his studies and his daughter's horrific health struggles. I am 51 years old. I spent my life working in health food stores, as a health coach, and studying functional medicine. Now, I would warn anyone with a history of trauma to avoid working with functional medicine at all costs. Once they integrated the mold "science" - which I've discovered has been published by those who created mold/mycotoxin blood testing, such as mymycolab or those affiliated with the urine testing labs such as Mosaic/Great Plains - who, so interestingly detected mycotoxins in my cousin's urine. She destroyed her house trying to remediate the mold causing her migraines "caused by mold toxicity" and the remediation crew only found molds that didn't match the mycotoxins in her urine tests. Lies upon lies upon lies. I do not have a scientific background. I've just connected the dots. I wish I'd had a respected scientist such as yourself long, long ago. Please, you influence so many who address people with neurological issues. Please be the respected scientist to stop this madness. If you investigate those mold toxicity forums, you'll see that the people there have rich histories of trauma - exacerbated by this predatory medicine. Please help them. Let them know that people can publish fraudulent research, in various journals - and that they must always research the research. I hope that you will do the same. I thank you for the service you provide to others, at no cost. I wanted to get this to you before I cancel my membership here, which I can no longer afford. I need to find a way to treat my true illness. (As a side note, if you have a list of research trials that pay participants, please post that somewhere), I am particularly interested in research that that integrated both TBI & PTSD. I have lost auto insurance coverage from the accident I was in - because I have a history of emotional trauma, which they say were the true cause of my brain injury symptoms. It seems that many organizations think that it's one or the other: TBI or PTSD. But trauma doesn't exist in a vacuum. The fact that I was raped multiple times, doesn't cancel out the motorcycle accident I was in a 150 mph without a helmet ( Having an alcoholic father doesn't cancel out being hit by a car. Trauma doesn't cancel trauma. I follow you on LinkedIn. I hope you will address this in future podcasts. As a neurologist who understands trauma as well as physiology, you are the one with the knowledge people need. Please help them. I have done a lot of research, but the only letters behind my name are: ADHD, PTSD, GAD, TBI). A few years ago, I wanted to study neuropharmacology. I have had miraculous healing before, I will have it again, but there are thousands of "mold toxicity" patients out there who are suicidal, becoming homeless, and absolutely terrified of the very air they breathe - as I was. They need help now. Sincerely, Michelle Larsen

Amino Suppliants - Protein Supplements

Andrew, In many episodes protein supplements are mentioned. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. They are very important for building muscle, regulating gene expression, cell signaling, and immunity. Many friends and loved ones have shared products that say they are comprehensive Aminos. I did a quick search on your previous shows and it's not mentioned. Have you looked into this type of supplement and what learnings can you summaries and share? Eg. Kion Aminos, Perfect Amino, Vital Amino, Armra, etc.

Copper and Anxiety

Hi Dr. Huberman, I’ve recently been seeing a rise in discussion about copper and its relationship to anxiety. Is there a relationship? My 18-year-old daughter has been struggling with anxiety for a number of years and although meds help, I’m looking for something to supplement. Not sure that I trust the copper recommendations… Thank you!

Guest suggestion: David Spindler on the neuroscience of high performance

Just listened to this interview with David Spindler over the Rich Roll podcast about the neuroscience of high-performing athletes. It was great but I felt they could have dived deeper into the research and protocols. Your podcast would be a great place to do that!

Episode suggestion: The neuroscience of truth-telling + protocols

Would be great to have a dedicated episode about the neuroscience of truth-telling. In some of your podcasts about journaling and with Anna Lebmke you talk shortly about the benefits of telling the truth, but it feels like there is more to the story.