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Episode suggestion: The methodology of self-assessment and experimentation

We have many tools in our health and self-development journey (greatly thanks to the information we learn on your podcast :). It is not obvious, however, how we should assess the value and priority of these on our specific life situation. Would be useful to learn about the methodologies, techniques and tools of self-improvement.

Episode suggestion: The neuroscience of associations

"Association" often comes up as a possible reason in different psychological topics. Examples - Keeping the association between bed and sleep/sex in sleep hygiene and insomnia treatment - Keeping the proper separation of work and non-work-related environments based on association - Entrainging new habits by associating cues to specific behaviors - Operant conditioning Would be interesting to learn about the biological mechanisms of how associations work (e.g. on the level of neurological and hormonal systems) and whether there are protocols we can use.

Episode suggestion: The biology of fairness and justice

Fairness and justice are important values underlying our social behavior. We rarely discuss their underlying biology, however. Would be interesting to learn about the biological mechanisms of justice and fairness (also in animals and from an evolutionary perspective). Also, what triggers the feeling of injustice, why some people might have more of it? Why do we feel bad when we think we are not treated fairly (and what does that mean)?

What is known about mitophagy? What should be know?

Mitochondria are so central to energy production, which is central to life. What is known about the biology of mitophagy? What is its role in keeping the mitochondria complement healthy? What is the potential role of urolithin A?

New Research

I’m a new PhD student. I’m wondering where you get ideas from for research.