There seems to be a lot of confusion in the world about NADH. Peter Attia advises against NR supplementation because it increased the risk of cancer in a very small sample of rats. Was this a rigorous study? Does it apply to NMN? Do you take your NMN before or with food? You said that NADH cannot be taken orally because the molecule is too large. I have talked to people who have tried "liposomal" NADH and they did not feel any benefit. But I tried NADH in enteric coated DRcaps from the German company Sunday and felt a huge difference. Do you think it is a placebo or is it possible? You also mentioned that NADH can be resorbed when taken as an IV. Bryan Johnson mentions in an interview with Dairy of a CEO that this is not possible according to the studies he knows. Would be great to hear your opinion, as NADH levels seem to have a huge impact on daily energy :)
You mentioned once or twice that it is not recommended to take ashwagandha daily. But AG1 contains a potent extract of ashwagandha, so you are taking it more than daily for a long time. Would you change your recommendation? Is the concentration in AG1 very low? Or do you think the benefits of AG1 outweigh the risks of daily ashwagandha use? I am very grateful to you for continually changing my life for the better!
I see many patients with compromised airways in our dental practice, which in turn leads to many, many heath issues. Can you get an expert about the airway to explain why getting issues diagnosed and corrected is so important? The book by James Nestor, Breath is a must read. Will only take you a couple of hours. Very entertaining. A lab at Stanford actually participated in the his narrative about his personal experience. I don’t think he is the expert you want but hopefully someone who can speak well to the subject. P.S. The croissants at Manresa Bread in downtown Campbell (CA) are the best
Any plans to train up a HubermanLLM with all your content, and the cited articles / reearch? While we all love the X hour long deep dives, I'm guessing I'm not the only one who wants to query across all your content and get a synthesized, pithy set of clips, citations and action steps. (If you need a small coding team to pull this off, and an investor, ping me!)