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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Essential protocols for long terms sufferers of PCOS where traditional means do no result in weight loss.

Recommendations for MS

In the first AMA you mentioned MS being its own category and mainly discussed Alzheimer's and maintaining cognition for healthy people to offset Alzheimer's risk. How about for people who already have MS? It's a very broad question, I know, but I'm interested nonetheless. I would assume most of the diet and excercise advice still stands, but what exactly should be done differently with regards to lifestyle in general if you do have MS? In particular what to be aware of as far as balancing neurological health and support and preventing immune overactivation (i.e. decrease risk of episode in RRMS or slow down neurodegeneration in other types of MS). I ask because I have recently diagnosed MS and have a very normal EDSS, if you don't stick me in an MRI you'd never know. Thanks!

Iron deficiency and absorption

Would love to know more about iron and ferritin in general. What are the recommended levels, how do different foods interact (for example coffee causes less iron absorption, but what is the best length of time to wait after a meal to consume coffee, for example), and advice for people who consume a plant based diet (recently have been reading about oxalates but unsure how to properly eat veggies given my concern about iron - spinach was my main source of greens but now I have cut it completely and hoping that will help my iron levels). For iron deficiency, is there a recommended way to supplement iron to raise low ferritin levels? And more importantly, how to maintain the adequate levels after one is no longer deficient? Last year my ferritin was very low, so I made some diets changes and also supplemented iron for a few months, but this year my ferritin is even lower than before. My doctor didn't give me much useful information or advice unfortunately :/ Now I've read about how B vitamins are related to iron absorption and am currently supplementing iron and methyl folate (already have been taking B12 for years as I'm vegan). Thank you!

Heated tobaco products

Thank you for your podcast. Is there any good research on heated tobaco products, also marketed as "heat-not-burn" ? IQOS is one example. How are they compared to cigarettes and vaping?

When to wear sunglasses?

Given your advice to get morning and late afternoon sunlight, what are the situations and times of day to wear sunglasses vs. getting light directly in your eyes? Optometrists often recommend wearing sunglasses anytime in bright sunlight, but there seems to be some nuances with your recommendations on this point. Thank you!