BII is not acknowledged as a disease in DK. But the internet is showing the opposite. Is Breast Implant Illness real? Dr. Robert Whitfield would be awesome to have on your podcast about this topic. I've just had an explant but unfortunately I had to keep the capsules. My question is; IF BII is real, is it then possible to flush out the toxins with time when you still have the capsules?...and is it safe to go to sauna with the capsules inside? Thank you for an awesome podcast with so many great topics / Angela 🇩🇰
Hi beautiful day while watching a YouTube video titled how termites inspire a building that can cool and heat National Geographic. Hopefully you'll be able to access the video I would like to ask in a future podcast could you speak to any scientist about biomimicry? or how bio mimicry relates to any science methodology. include the topic be relatable to middle school understanding as well as adults. Just thought this would be a fun topic. I would also like to say Robert Green podcast was mine blowing.
Have you studied the vagus nerve and its effects on entire body health (mental/physical)? I have one small theory about it after hearing someone speak briefly at a cancer conference last fall on it. She was doing a talk on the Indigenous Peoples of North America and the effects of their chanting practices on the vagus nerve (among other things). I would love to learn more about this part of our body!
Listened to that episode. Very good! Couple things to ask in r/t that episode: Your thoughts on transition showers (2-3mins hot, 15-30sec cold, 3 cycles, end with cold). What foods are best for immune system when sick with cold/flu? How high do you let a fever go before addressing it in some way (cooling bath, med, trip to ED)? Recommendations for moistening nostrils in dry climate when trying to avoid cold/flu. Sugar’s effects on immune system (seems like after all the candy at Halloween come the colds).