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Achieving consistent state of motivation

I alternate between periods (few weeks to a couple of months) of two binary states - extremely high motivation to do multiple things (side, projects, making music, etc) OR really low motivation where I can barely do anything and only look for short term entertainment like video games and pornography. What would be the best set of protocols to normalize those extremes into a more stable and consistent state?


What's the science behind a headache? and what to do to avoid taking medication for it or to make it go away faster?

Migraine Solutions

What are nutritional solutions to reduce migraines - I have heard of Riboflavin, Magnesium and CoQ10. How do these work? Are there exercises to strengthen vagus nerve that may reduce migraines?


Do you think you might do a podcast on the latest neuroscience around migraines and migraine prevention? Thanks!

When will you do an episode on migraine treatments?

I have several friends that suffer from chronic migraines and seem to have trouble finding effective treatment.