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Tongkat Ali dosage

Dr. Huberman. The Tongkat Ali I purchased is 510 mg per capsule. I’m a 60 year old male. Is it ok to take 510 mg every day or should I take one every other day? Thank you.

How to deal with burn out and physiological mechanism

How does one deal with burnout and what is it caused? Would love to hear about mechanisms too in all regards how its causes how to remove it and mechanisms relating to it. Of course practical tools too!

Yoga and the Foundational Fitness Protocol

Hi Andrew - Where would yoga fit into the Foundational Fitness Protocol? Thanks, Elan

Athletic Greens

Is Athletic Greens really that good? Is it worth the price or do I get enough nutrients from simply eating a varied diet?


What are the treatment options? Is light therapy helpful? How is it related to diabetes and dementia?