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Meditation episode

Would be nice to have an episode reviewing the literature on different meditation practices (e.g. mindfulness, open monitoring, focused attention, loving kindness...) to see what works and how they can be implemented.

Do you have book recommendations?

What good books can people read to build healthy habits and improve themselves? Do you know of or consider Deep Work by Cal Newport a good resource?

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Hi Andrew, knowing all you know now - what advice would you give to your 25-30 year-old self? (eg what protocols to adopt) Can relate to anything we've seen so far in Huberman Lab episodes or new topics.

Neuroplasticity and dementias (Alzheimer's, MS, Parkinsons) — Protocols for protecting the brain?

Hello! Thank you so much for all the excellent content you and your team do. I am researching into dementias — alzheimer's, MS, Parkinsons.. and I would truly appreciate if you could dedicate a podcast episode to talk about what is known on dementias.. some of the latest research suggests that it may be an auto-immune response, and some suggest steering away from amyloid plaques... Personally, both my grandmother have passed away from Alzheimer's.. I know there is a gene that increases the probability of Alzheimer's.. are there any lifetime protocols that could "protect us" or at least reduce the probability of Alzheimer's developing? (and other dementias of course) Thank you again!


There is a lot of mixed information out there about adaptogens, like Ashwagandha. What does the scientific evidence say about adaptogens and their ability to mediate the bodies stress response? Is there any solid evidence that it has an affect on neurotransmitters or the HPA?