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stress toolkit

I just wondered if you could do a stress toolkit with the summary of the stress video you did, (a transcript would be great too) highlighting a summary of protocols to do, possibly pre, during and post stress. eg. physiological sigh, box breathing etc

Spine / Disks Repair / Pain Relief

Professor Huberman, Thank you for providing this wonderful platform to ask questions. I've been following you since early 2022 and have utilized your wealth of knowledge to overcome obsticles that promoted mental growth and well-being. When I joined premium I didn't think I would ever have a question but after listening to your first Q&A I realize... I do have a question that I would value your professional insight on. When we're young there is blood flowing to our spine for development. Once we are of a certain age I'm told our blood does not reach our spine which makes it impossible to repair damage to spine / disks. This is cited on multiple platforms so I've held it as true. I was in a car accident in July where the driver was underinsured, with that I have some weakness and pain in my arms and my cervivsl spine is in constant pain with being on my second round of physical therapy. I see a neurosurgeon next week to review my CT scan / MRI and Xrays. Looking for solutions I've found one thing I want to share, I hope you could shed some light on the science of why / how it works. Using a small amount of DMSO mixed with vinegar & extra virgin olive oil, I have complete relief of pain within 20 minutes that lasts for over 12 hours. Doing research in the past, I am told DMSO penetrates layers of the skin, I was told that vinegar could help diminish bone spurs (by my physical therapist. She recommended a machine that used electric shock with vinegar, the electric shock penetrating the skin layers *mind blown*) along with diluting the DMSO and assumed extra virgin olive oil would be easier on the skin and not have detrimental effects, assuming it's good for all layers of skin. I've used this on others for back, knee & foot pain with success but I am hesitant. I worry about continuing to use this & sharing if it may cause damage. Yet, if it's a solution I'd love to help others alleviate pain to improve their quality of life. God knows the pain game is one many people play everyday. I have no association with the brand linked below, this is what I purchased in 2020. My physical therapist mentioning getting deeper into layers of skin with vinegar to help melt bone spurs, this reminded me that I had this DMSO. Being able to use this daily vs taking a multitude of pills for pain and muscle relaxation is appealing. To not have any sedation effect or altered brain effects (Gabapentin) and relief, life changing. I'm in constant pain without any medicine and currently using my savings to survive, I'm willing to do and try anything but I would prefer to do it safely. Any insight is appreciated sir. Sidenote: I practice mindfulness and meditate as I walk throughout my days. I am conscious of my thoughts and of my body to a degree of contentment. My goal is to continue becoming a teacher of teachers in consciousness which I intend to be with or without pain *rock on emoji*. Thank you for reading and looking into this. Thank you for all you do and the platform you use so graciously to help others. I constantly encourage people to check out your channel with confidence that they'll find something useful. Kindly, Mary

Red light therapy for eyes

Can tuning a smart bulb to the color red be effective for the eyes? i know you’ve mentioned that there is no need to purchase fancy lights.

Caffeine vs guarana

You seem to prefer caffeine over guarana. Why?


When are you going to host a psychoanalyst?