How do I optimize my sleep when I work both day and night shifts? I work EMS 7 days on 7 days off, alternating between 7 day shifts and 7 night shifts. So for 7 days each month I am required to remain alert at night working. How do I adjust my Daily Blueprint to optimize how I transition to and from a 7 night work schedule?
Could you please explore a bit more on titanium dioxide and zinc oxide as nanoparticles in mineral sunscreens and could they be problematic, due to such a small particles can reportedly cross blood-brain barrier, are used in many product and seem to be carcinogenic? I was so happy to hear positive things about mineral sunscreen as being a good option, then I see those to as nano in products I bought, and read a number of negative things on nano particles.
Fairness and justice are important values underlying our social behavior. We rarely discuss their underlying biology, however. Would be interesting to learn about the biological mechanisms of justice and fairness (also in animals and from an evolutionary perspective). Also, what triggers the feeling of injustice, why some people might have more of it? Why do we feel bad when we think we are not treated fairly (and what does that mean)?