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Have you talked aboout MCI

Any information on treatments for MCI? Here is a link to a study I participated in. I was in the crossword puzzle group.. I did well despite the crossword application being flawed. Time for each puzzle was 30 minutes. However,, if all squaares were not completed in 30 minutes a 0 was scored. As a result I set a timer for 28 minutes and started filling in blank squares with the letter D and if I happened to miss one,,a 0 was scored.. The application was on my PC and crossword clue sites were allowed. However, it was easy when hurriedly moving from the help tab to the crossword tab it was easy to accidently close it netting a 0 and only one puzzle a day was allowed. I don't know how much that may affected the score, but it sure was frustrating. and may mave lessened the crossword overall benefit.

what toothpaste do you use?

My question is about whether fluoride toothpaste is safe to use. Are there any issues with stannous fluoride, sodium fluoride and sodium monofluorophosphate - to the central nervous system? Thank you

non-dominant hand training

I was wondering if you incorporate any specific training with your non-dominant hand to create more/different neural connections? Should we all be playing the piano or undertaking other such activities that use both hands? Would be great to get advice on any games or practices to build a better brain! Thanks.

Plants, Meat, what do we eat?

A great divide is coming into view among the biohacking, longevity seeking universe and I am quite confused. I’m paleo and would never eat grains again and I love my steaks. The carnivore crowd seem to be thriving and symptom free from thei previous health issues. The dichotomy is striking and upsetting at the same time. How are we supposed to know what is correct?

Tyrosine and 5HTP ratio

Hello, I have seen around the web the idea of taking tyrosine in a 10:1 ratio with 5htp. The idea being that if you adjust your dopamine levels, then your serotonin levels will suffer? Would you advise this based on your expertise? Secondly. Tyrosine seems to have a slower effect on me, subjectively giving me a focus and motivation boost for few hours, but not until an hour or so after taking it. Any reason this might be? Many thanks for the work you do, it has, and continues to completely change my life. Josh